Indiana lawmakers to ‘study’ medical marijuana. They should look at LSD, too.
“One way to think about that is, it’s not the drug that’s having the useful effect for the addict… it’s the experience that the drug is giving them.” -Michael Pollan
One Pollan tidbit that’s grabbed attention on his press tour is a revelation about Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Wilson partially credits his sobriety to the hallucinogen belladonna. And he once begged the AA board to wedge LSD somewhere inside the 12 steps. In the end, the board didn’t think dropping acid jived with sobriety. That’s a common argument against medical marijuana, too. How can you get people off drugs by giving them more drugs? But, of course, we do that all the time. Pharmaceuticals are our answer for everything. We hand methadone to addicts and a whole parade of pills to people suffering from mental illness. LSD or mushrooms could just join the procession.
Original Article (Courier Press):
Indiana lawmakers to ‘study’ medical marijuana. They should look at LSD, too.
Artwork Fair Use: Jon Sullivan