
Kratom users fighting regulators over herb they say saves lives

“It gave me a very good, focused energy,” he said. “So since then, I’ve taken Kratom from time to time in the morning instead of coffee.”

Palatnik said he tests every Kratom strain he sells. He said the powder should not be confused with the wave of synthetic drugs that were sold in other stores and destroyed families. “People sometimes, by mistake, or associate Kratom with stuff like bath salts, K2, fake weed. Those are just completely different items,” he said. “We sell this product for over three years now and we never got anyone that got hurt by it. If it was so bad, I’d have people coming through the doors saying, ‘What do you sell here?'” When the DEA announced possible enforcement, more than 23,000 people publicly commented with statements like, “I was freed from opiate addiction by Kratom. Please do not ruin my life.” Another person who identified themselves as a combat veteran wrote, “Kratom has played a miraculous role in dealing with…Insomnia and PTSD.”

Original Article (KPLRLL):
Kratom users fighting regulators over herb they say saves lives
Artwork Fair Use: Drugs Lab

The whole fungus : good

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