United Methodist resolution regarding the war on drugs
To that end, we offer the following resolution as an appeal to end the so-called “War on Drugs.”
Whereas: The public policy of prohibition of certain narcotics and psychoactive substances, sometimes called the “War on Drugs,” has failed to achieve the goal of eliminating, or even reducing, substance abuse and… Whereas: There have been a large number of unintentional negative consequences as a result of this failed public policy… Whereas: Huge sums of our national treasury are wasted on this failed public policy and… Whereas: Other countries, such as Portugal and Switzerland, have dramatically reduced the incidence of death, disease, crime, and addiction by utilizing means other than prohibition to address the problem of substance abuse… Whereas: To people of color, the “War on Drugs” has arguably been the single most devastating, dysfunctional social policy since slavery… Whereas: The primary mission of our criminal justice system is to prevent violence to our citizens and their property, and to ensure their safety, therefore… Be it Resolved: That the New England Annual Conference supports seeking means other than prohibition to address the problem of substance abuse.
Original Article (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition):
United Methodist resolution regarding the war on drugs
Artwork Fair Use: Kamala McCullum