What permaculture teaches us about psychedelics
As a person raised under capitalism, I was conditioned to care a lot about obtaining a yield, so I encourage you to be intentional about what yields you try to obtain and the means to get them – especially in a time of climate and humanitarian crisis … While it can be tempting to construct a massive overhaul to solve a problem, the permaculturist favors subtle, extended solutions … The more diverse a system, the more resilient. This is why you’ll never see a monocrop in permaculture… Learning how to be in solidarity with folks on the margins is an ongoing process and is each of our responsibilities
Just as permaculture takes into account the whole, complex system, the psychedelic experience manifests through multiple, often seemingly unrelated domains. And while permaculture goes beyond environmental sustainability toward actually regenerating the land from destruction caused by human activity, intentional psychedelic work may also be regenerative for the individual and the community.
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What permaculture teaches us about psychedelics
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