Comparative effectiveness of different treatment pathways for opioid use disorder
Study on more than 40,000 people on opioid addiction treatment finds significant reduction in OD and health complications in patients on buprenorphine & methadone. Other behavioral or residential care, detox, naltrexone had same outcome as no treatment at all. -Dana Larsen
Our finding that MOUD (medication for opioid use disorder) treatment with naltrexone was not protective against overdose or serious opioid-related acute care use is consistent with other studies… The findings that nonintensive behavioral health treatment was associated with a reduced risk of overdose at 12 months but not 3 months and a reduced risk of opioid-related acute care use was surprising. Although we attempted to control for differences among various treatment groups, individuals referred to nonintensive behavioral health may represent a less complex patient population than those who receive MOUD treatment or are referred to intensive behavioral health or inpatient treatment.
Original Article (JAMA):
Comparative effectiveness of different treatment pathways for opioid use disorder
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