
75 years since LSD discovery, thousands since use… entheogens

[Dr. Albert] Hoffmann -and [the 1960’s] counterculture- met with rejection and prejudices that Indigenous cultures have had to deal with for centuries. Indigenous use of entheogens, which are substances used for spiritual reasons, usually face discrimination by “mestizos” fueled by misinformation and prejudice over the use of substances that they simply call “drugs,” making them fall in the same category as other synthetic substances that have no spiritual purpose.

The modern state’s reaction to LSD was similar to those of the Spanish people when they found out about Ololiuhqui. It was complicated for them to understand, and they decided to go against it instead. Now, the prohibition of psychedelics is hampering a diversity of research projects that could help people get cured from a number of diseases, including depression and addictions, according to supporters of legalization of the substance. Even though Indigenous communities in Mexico are still allowed to use these entheogens according to their own customs, just as the Native American Church is allowed to use Peyote in the U.S., their use still faces high levels of discrimination especially when involving non-Indigenous people, let alone research opportunities.  Now, after the paranoia that led to prohibition has softened, there are new opportunities for research in a significant number of fields and there are already a number depression treatments based on LSD. This is just one of the possibilities that Hoffman saw that April 19, when he took just a small dose and rode a bike home.  The Indigenous people of Mexico have known it for years, and Hoffmann just wanted to share that knowledge, obtained by western-oriented scientific research, with the rest of the world.

Original Article (Telesurvtv.net):
75 Years Since LSD Discovery, Thousands Since Use of Entheogens
Artwork Fair Use: Heinrich und Friedl Winter




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