
‘Ayahuasca is changing global environmental consciousness’

“I don’t need clinical studies to convince me ayahuasca is good medicine, that it’s helping people, but you can publish them [and it’s] a good way to convince skeptical colleagues in biomedicine”

Is it ethical to try and take a medicine like this and stuff it into a biomedical research structure? Is that the right way to approach it? I’m not saying that it is and I’m not saying that it isn’t. I just think that we have to be clear that there are aspects here of taking something out of its traditional context. Can it be used that effectively in biomedicine, or do you need the ceremonial ambience?” -Dennis McKenna

Original Article (The Guardian):
‘Ayahuasca is changing global environmental consciousness’
Artwork Fair Use: Javier cosavalente galán




The future is fungi


LSD… benefits…


…the Mushroom



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